3 Small Car Problems That Result in Hefty Repair Bills if Ignored
Life can be hectic! At times, it pulls us in a million different directions – making us overlook and forget simple car maintenance checks that we should be doing regularly. However, taking care of minor issues as soon as possible is always the best way of avoiding hefty repair bills.
Here at Apex Motor Warranty, we understand life’s challenges and want to help you be more aware of the simple checks you can do to look after your car. Below we’ve put together a list of three items on your vehicle that you can check easily, and sometimes have big repair bills if ignored.
1. Timing belt failure
The timing belt, also known as the cambelt, is a rubber belt with teeth that helps your engine operate smoothly. It helps key parts of your engine move in sync with each other to ensure they run smoothly. It’s worth noting, that not all cars have a timing belt, so firstly, you should confirm if your vehicle has one.
If you hear a strange ticking noise coming from your engine, notice your car’s engine won’t turnover, see an oil leak by the motor, or notice your revs start acting strange while driving, then your timing belt most likely needs to be changed. Thankfully, you can check for all of these signs at home.
What causes a timing belt to break?
In most cases, the timing belt breaks due to wear and tear. If your timing belt does end up snapping, your vehicle will have to be towed to prevent any further damage to your engine. Fortunately, if this event does happen Apex members are eligible for roadside assistance should their vehicle need towing.

2. Tyre failure
How often do you check your tyres? As long as they don’t appear to be flat, they’re okay – right? Poor tyre condition is often blamed as one of the leading “vehicle factors” contributing to road accidents.
Tyre failure may occur for various reasons, and it can happen without you even being aware there’s an issue. Did you know one of the leading causes of tyre failure is under-inflation? Tyres under-inflated flex more in the sidewall, and excessive flexing causes them to heat up far beyond the average operating temperatures. This is why it’s so important to monitor your tyres and understand if they need to be pumped up or possibly even replaced.
How to avoid tyre related problems
The best way to get the most mileage out of your tyres and avoid blow-outs is to ensure your vehicle is in good operating condition.
Check your tyres for wear and tear, punctures, maintain the correct pressure regularly, as well as the depth of your tyre tread, and drive carefully to avoid road hazards. Unfortunately, tyres do sometimes puncture or blow without any warning or explanation. Thankfully you can rest easy knowing that if this did happen to you, you can get access to roadside assistance with Apex.

3. Skipping oil checks and changes
To help increase and maximise the life of your engine, changing your car’s oil is vital. As the oil in your vehicle circulates through your car’s engine, it continuously lubricates the thousands of engine components that have to work together in harmony, making your engine run at peak performance.
How does this impact my car?
If the oil in your engine isn’t changed, you could start to experience one of many engine issues while driving. The most common of these is your engine becoming too hot, causing it to run less efficiently, which can lead to permanent engine damage, failure, or a mechanical breakdown.
If you do happen to have a mechanical breakdown or engine issues, Apex will be there to help as long as your engine has been properly maintained.
Keeping your car in good condition is the best way of ensuring you and your family’s safety when you’re out on the road. Car problems only worsen as time goes on so that is why taking care of big or small repairs when they arise is necessary.
Conducting proper maintenance on your car is essential, but sometimes breakdowns happen for unexplainable reasons. If you want to prepare for those unforeseen breakdowns and vehicle parts expenses, contact us today to get an Extended Motor Warranty from Apex.
When it comes to providing peace of mind in the event of your car having an electrical or mechanical breakdown, Apex is ahead of the curb.
Any information herein is not intended nor does it constitute financial advice. The Content is for informational purposes only”.